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A look back at my 20s with photos

In a fit of nostalgia last night, I spent more time than I'd like to admit looking back at old photos reminiscing about how awesome of a life I truly have. My grand realization? Life has never been more amazing than it is right now. I feel the best I've ever felt, I'm reaching goals I never thought I'd be reaching in my business, I'm living the adventure that I always wanted to live. Here's a quick photo recap of my 20s... six months to go until the big 3-0! 29 - A weekend in NYC with my love (April 2017) This year we are feeling like (kind of) real adults. We're moving to Vancouver in the summer and go to bed at 9:30 on Saturdays. So far as a 29 year-old I've visited Africa for the first time (we went to Momo's family's house in Algeria over the holidays), and done some other crap that you probably don't care to hear about. 28 - My mom's wedding (September 2016) While I was 28 everyone in my life got married. Thanks for ma
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I'm going through a 30-year crisis

I'm turning 30 this year and holy crap it is playing with my head way more than I would have thought. I'm having all of those cliché "holy shit I'm turning 30" emotions that I never thought I would have. I'm reflecting on where my life is and where I thought it would be and questioning everything and being a little bit (if not way) too hard on myself. Frankly, I'm living an incredible life. BUT HOLY SHIT I'M TURNING 30! As of the writing of this post, I have 6 months until the big day. For the next six months, I'm particularly focused on... 1 - My health and fitness-ness I am not  starting some kind of exercise regime or diet. That's not my style! I'm focused on hitting "reset" on my eating and movement habits. About 10 days ago I started doing intermittent fasting and I've been working on adding more low-intensity movement to my day by walking to the coffee shop, going for random walks, taking more dance breaks, etc.